Today we went to Enel, an international electricity company, to hear about their internal media. They explained how they ran our media and then gave different people a chance to be interviewed on their radio and television channels. I watched behind the scenes to see how directing a television interview worked.

Enel was about an hour long tram ride both ways, and so we did not feel comfortable squeezing in something else during our free time because we had to be ready for our group dinner at 6.

I ended up taking a much needed nap, and got ready for our dinner. We got to do a cooking class for free because our broadcast students made a commercial for them.

To get there we had to cross a bridge to get on to an island. Once inside, we were taken to the basement of a building that was built upon an ancient temple. There was a clear floor so we could see the ruins below. There was a long wooden table with folded aprons and ingredients. A chef instructed us how to make both ravioli and gnocchis. Half of the table made raviolis and the other half made gnochhi. I was on the side that started with ravioli.

We made dough with flour and eggs and rolled it out into flat pieces. Then then stuck it in the fridge to cool. The people who made gnocchis gave us half of their dough. We rolled the dough into a snake, chopped it, and used a little board to roll the little dough balls into the gnocchi shape. We then had to make a human chain to stretch out the dough for the ravioli for the chef to put through a pasta machine. It took up the entire room, and everyone was holding a bit of dough.

Then we walked over to an apartment that once belonged to Marlon Brando. It was incredibly fancy. They cooked the pasta for us and gave us some wine. It was probably the fanciest dinner I’ll ever go to. We didn’t do too bad, everything tasted pretty good.


Our dinner!