We found ourselves having another rainy day. The city seemed darker and quiet now. But at our media visit, in Burson-Marsteller, it was lovely. I loved it so much that this visit has me rethinking not going into ad and PR.

I learned a ton of information today by visiting them.

I learned that Italians have to distinguish if something is advertisement or not so the people know who’s talking to them and what their motives are.

I learned that along with China, Italy’s population is one of the oldest in the world. Something like 75% are considered elderly.

I learned that technology can do some amazing things. The Ford product they helped to promote, Feel the View, and the ChatYourself for people experiencing altztimers.

I learned that the future of all products will have some kind of correlation with technology and that which is not tangible. To me, that’s crazy. I don’t know what to expect from technology in the next decade. It’s moving at such a fast pace already but it’s smart as a communications person to stay ahead of it.

I also learned that to convince someone of anything you must earn their trust first. And if you can combine that with creativity and professionalism, you have some magical communication.

The rest of my day consisted of thunderstorms and a quick walk to a Japanese restaurant for dinner! When (sick of food ) in Italy, right? We got sushi, vegetable “raviolis” aka dumplings, miso tofu soup, and lots of edamame. It’s safe to say I’m ready to go home and eat different food.

This whole trip has made me extremely grateful for all of the resources and different cultures I have available to me in The States.