I am sick.

So, so sick.

So far, everyone has gotten sick on this trip and I felt pretty great knowing we only had a few days left and I was fine. Yeah, spoke to soon. I woke up this morning with a sore throat, head cold, completely weak and couldn’t stop shaking. I was a bit of a cry baby at first, but decided to suck it up for the two media visits we had today.

We started our day at Burson Marsteller, which is a PR and communications firm in Milan. It was an interesting visit and held five different presentations to teach us about the things they do. My favorite was the videos they create. One specifically was their short film for the cocktail, Campari. The story they created and the way they edited it almost made you forget you were watching an advertisement. Heres the link so you can see yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UByOTp-AFWk

After we went to RAI, the national broadcasting company of Italy. We had the opportunity to see many sets, including their news room, radio room and on of the live tv show sets.

These type of visits intrigued me, many of the majors on this trip can relate to the jobs we have seen, but me being the only photo major, wondered if I would enjoy it once we got there. I can honestly say that I did! I have never been the broadcasting, journalism or advertising type, but it was really interesting! I never noticed the creativity that goes into many of these productions and it made me appreciate it so much more. I can now see myself getting into advertising and I can thank this trip for that.

I struggled a lot being sick, so I spent the rest of the day in bed to rest up for tomorrow. It was upsetting but it started storming so I guess it worked in my favor. Shoutout my friend Benny for getting me a chicken salad because I didn’t eat anything today! you’re the best!