Our last week started off with another long commute to our next city, Venice! We took about a three hour bus ride, and then a half an hour train ride directly into the beautiful city.
The bus ride I don’t remember much of because I was asleep for most of the time (I can’t help it), but I do know that our bus momentarily became stuck under a tunnel… The very sweet bus driver thought that he could take our very large bus under this tunnel, and although it looked like a really close call, we all frankly thought that he could make it. We were wrong…very wrong. As soon as he pushed it further we heard the scraping of the roof of the bus.
But we made it through with little damage (I think) and made our train on time too!
Once we got to Venice, it felt like I was in a different world. Here are some small facts about the city that I never knew about:

  • Venice is only two and a half miles long.
  • There are absolutely no vehicles in Venice, including emergency vehicles.
  • People only get around by boats and walking, there aren’t even bicycles or motorized bikes.

Little things like this make the city that more interesting! We took a great tour around it and then a very relaxing gondola ride for half an hour. I can’t talk about the views of this city enough, absolutely beautiful!
We have ended the night in the hotel, but I feel like our hotel experiences aren’t what’s important here. It’s the sights that we see everyday (even on our longest days).
Get ready to hear about Milan for the next couple days!!