Today was our free day in Florence. It was a really nice day to not have a schedule and walk around on your own time. Syd and I started the day with just taking a walk outside and just seeing where we would end up. We found a really nice park with flowers and sat there until a pigeon scared us off. We then found a really cute shop that sold vintage jewelry. Syd found a really beautiful necklace for her mom and we took some photos while we found a place for lunch. We found a really cute cafe after while. After, we continued our walk we found a craft show and got to look at all the beautiful handmaid things. We headed back toward the market we had saw the day before because we wanted to check it out. When we got in we realized a soccer game was on and we decided to immerse ourselves in culture and sit down and have a spring beer which is what everyone there was drinking. We found a table, and sat down and drank our beer. It was probably the worst beer I’ve ever tried. A guy from the UK who had lived in Florence for quite some time sat down with us and was teaching us about soccer, and about Italian and English culture. We had a lot of fun talking to him and after while we headed back to the hotel. We found our way back without a map which seemed like a huge accomplishment at the time. We ended the night with some swimming, pizza, and hanging at the Irish pub across the street. It was a lot of fun.