Hello! We have finished the fourth day of our actual trip in Italy and it was probably the most memorable one yet! This sounds like every other day, but the exception is, we didn’t go sight seeing today. So why such a good day?
We started the day off with a media trip super early with a presentation called Art Attack. You could just tell that these people were very passionate about their work and absolutely loved what they did. This makes the presentation that more interesting and so much fun to listen to because of their enthusiasm!
After seeing a few of their super fun ads, we got some lunch and were able to relax for about half an hour before the next meeting (which was crucial since this has been a really long week for us all!). Courtney and I sat on the steps of a local fountain and were able to enjoy the short lasting sun while it was out. Then we took a small peek into another beautiful church (but what church isn’t beautiful in Italy?!)
Next, we took off to our second media meeting of the day at La Repubblica. This was hands down my favorite media meeting thus far! Since I am no media and communications major, some of these meetings are hard for me to keep up with and understand. However, during this meeting, they discussed the kidnapping of a very famous Italian politician which happened exactly 40 years ago! This was exactly up my alley because I’ve covered this kidnapping in my Organized Crime class, as well as a few other classes. This made the rest of the trip very intriguing for me!
Later on, a small group of us decided to venture out and find the Pittsburgh Bar that everyone had been talking about. Of course, as soon as we stepped off the train, it was like Noah’s Ark flood part two! You could just say we’re extremely dedicated Pittsburgh fans…
After meeting up with our professors Helen and Robin and a few other classmates, we all decided to go to a nice dinner together and end our night walking back to the train to go back to our hotel. I guess the lesson learned today is that you don’t always need to go to a designated sight seeing area, as long as you have fun walking around with the group of people that you’re with.
Keep reading for more fun stories! 🙂