Today was amazing. We started the day by climbing to the top of a hill to the American University of Rome which we talked to Dr. Bini about Italian media and the most interesting thing I took from his lecture was how women are represented in TV. In America we do have a lot of unfiltered television, but it was almost like all of the shows just had women in little or scandalous clothing just for entertainment. We asked the professor if women were fighting back about this as they are in America and he said “no, not really” this was surprising to me. After we were finished at the university, we headed to the Colosseum where we had a tour and learned all about the history of this a amazing site. It was hard for me to imagine how people and anima!s used to fight to the death for entertainment. I could not imagine watching this for fun and also after the animals were killed they served the meat to the attendees for a parting gift of sorts. This was something of honor for the people to share these beasts with their families. This was so unusual to me. After we left the Colosseum we ventured to the Forum where there were a number of beautiful historic sites. This was my favorite part of the  trip so far because It was amazing to see how the city looked  and  to picture how it looked at the early times. The engineering of the ancient Roman people was truly amazing and nothing today  compares to even its remains. Today was amazing and I can’t wait to see more tomorrow.