Oh boy, here come the tears as I begin to write my very last post from my very last day in the beautiful country of Italy. Although I may be very tired and sick, I am definitely not ready to leave this beautiful place. What an adventure this trip has been. I can’t even begin to think of all the memories I have made and the friends I have made along the way. Packing up all of my belongings was one of the hardest things I have had to do in a long time!

Although we have to say farewell, today’s media visit ended our trip on a fantastic note. To be honest, I was not exactly sure what I was expecting from this visit. I knew Hearst Italia was a magazine company, but had absolutely no clue just what it had consisted of.

As we began our lecture at Hearst, I realized just how many magazines made up Hearst Italia. Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, and Elle were the magazines that we were introduced to. We a speaker from each magazine talk about what the magazine was about, the image it produces, and what kinds of content it likes to produce. We then had a walking tour of all three magazine sections. We were shown where all of the beauty samples for Elle were kept, we were introduced to the Editor in Chief of Elle (I was completely shocked about this one), and we talked to a countless number of employees from all three magazines about what kinds of duties they perform on a day-to-day basis.

I was shocked at how open everyone was to explain what they do, what it takes to do what they do, and explain the long processes and struggles they go through to create their finished product. Coming into the media visit, I honestly didn’t think much of it and thought it was not going to interest me as much as some of the others have. However, I was fascinated by listening to them talk about what it takes to do their job.

As I finish my final words, I’d just like to thank everyone who had been keeping up with not only my blog posts every day (or whenever you could), but also my classmates’ posts. We all have been creating many memories together, but we all have a very different perspective of everything we have seen. I am beyond thankful for this experience, and I can only hope I can travel back to the beautiful country of Italy sometime soon.

(P.S. enjoy the photos that encompassed my very last meal in Italy)

Ciao for now!