Today was the 2nd to last day of media visits we have in Italy, which is kind of sad because I really enjoy them! We started out our day with a ride to Burson-Marsteller. You could tell how excited they were to have us there, which made us feel really great. They showed us numerous ads which were amazing. One of the more interesting parts of the visit was when they pour us a glass of Campari. It’s usually mixed with other components to dilute the unique and bitter taste. However, it was given to us on the rocks. I normally don’t mind the taste of strong liquor but this was pungent. I don’t think I’ll ever try it again.

After Burson-Marsteller, we headed to RAI. They were also very excited to have us there and wanted to show us everything they could. We took a tour of their offices and they also showed us around the radio station and TV studio. Both of these were really intriguing to me because I normally wouldn’t have the chance to be in these environments as they don’t pertain to my major. It was a little overwhelming because we were being shown so many exciting things in such a short amount of time, but it was overall a very cool experience!

After RAI, we had the choice to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the night, since it was our last “free night” in Italy. Emma had asked me if I wanted to go to a shop with her so she could get something for her boyfriend. I agreed, and we departed from the group. Once we went to the shop and got what we needed, we headed back to the hotel so we could decide how where we wanted to eat. We had so much fun at the last Irish pub we were at that we wanted to try our luck again. We decided on somewhere walking distance from the hotel, as it was about to rain. We got there and weren’t really intrigued by the drinks, so Emma, Lindsey and Megan got food. We also had Sidney and Ally with us who also got something to eat. I got french fries and they were amazing!

After eating, we decided to try one more pub before calling it a night. This turned out to be a great decision. We ended up at a pub that had fairly cheap, really good craft cocktails. I had the best old fashioned of my life. I recorded him making it too, because it was so different than any way I’d ever seen.

We stayed there until almost close, and then walked back to our hotel. It was the perfect way to end our last free night. It wasn’t too hectic, we went at our speed and we had a blast together.

As for tomorrow, we have one more media visit and then our farewell dinner in the evening. Ciao!