Although this trip has been great, having 9-5 days of walking the streets of Italy has left me EXHAUSTED. And I guess my body chose today to catch up. With no alarm to wake me up I slept soundly until 1 p.m. Realizing what time it was, my roomies Kayla and Kristina and I jumped up and were on a mission to find the cafe with the cheapest Americanos. Lucki;y, we found one with Americanos for a euro thirty plus delicious sandwiches and fresh fruit.

Next it was time for some shopping! There are an overwhelming amount of shops in Florence, especially in the squares surrounding the gorgeous Duomo.

Despite ourselves, we still ended up in a common American chain-store: H&M. To be fair, we  weren’t the only ones as we ran into half the class during our mission to replace Kristina’s sunglasses. Next we headed to check out the high-end shops such as Prada, Gucci and Calvin Klein. I was happy to see some familiar faces in the latter shop (a poster of the Kardashians).

When we stumbled upon a Disney Store of course we HAD to stop in. It was pretty cool to hear some of my favorite Disney tunes being sung in Italian. plus I got this great picture of Kayla.

We then returned to a cafe we had found the previous day and had some gelato. I had strawberry and coffee. It was delicious. Not so delicious were the four men loudly playing fooseball in the cafe.

After a quick nap, we ended our night with some classmates in an Irish Pub across from our hostel. I had a burger and the BEST french fries I think I’ve ever had.

Unfortunately the pub was soon taken over by a very rowdy group from Florida, so I’m back in my hostel, in my pajamas,writing this. Tomorrow, Venice!