I’m still sitting in the sun with the girls (regarding last post) typing out the majority of the day because I know I’m not going to have any time to post tonight.

Well now it’s 9 p.m. the next day and boy was our last day of Rome rememberable.

In the morning, we made a media trip to Enel. It was like a European google building. It was so colorful and innovative and everyone seemed to really love their job. Me, Nicole, Kayla and another girl went live on Italian radio which was really cool. They asked me what my major was, what you can do with photojournalism, and since I do visual story telling, they wanted to me explain what I’m seeing in the room. Everything was so colorful and lit up LED. They translated our answers in Italian which was very neat to hear.

From there we had a free afternoon so we grabbed some pizza and hung around on the patio outside of the hostel in the sun. Finally, a day where there wasn’t any rain and it was all sunshine. When we were typing our blogs, we kept getting writers block and just got so distracted. We finally all went silent to finish out blogs.

We then went to learn how to make pasta by hand. The broadcasters did a really cool promotional video. Francesco, the head chef, was really entertaining. We then ate the pasta and drank wine upstairs with everybody.

 Photo by Emma Federkeil

After that we all went out to celebrate. Everyone had a really fun time together. I ended up getting  sick from my Crohn’s. Everyone took very good care of me.

See you in a couple weeks, Rome. Now for Assisi!