It was the last night in Rome, and it was a wonderful night. We had the opportunity to learn how to make gnocchi and ravioli from scratch that we then ate for dinner at Fabiolouso Cooking Day on the Tiber Island.

I never could have dreamed of how delicate this process is. After the gnocchi dough is made, it must be rolled, so it almost looks like a play dough snake. Then it is cut into pieces that are about a half an in big. Each gnocchi is individually spiraled.

The ravioli was so much fun to make. After the dough was prepared, it had to go through the press six times. It grew so long that it took everyone on the trip to hold it and help pass it through the press. Once the dough was long enough and dry enough to cut, we were about to stuff the ravioli. Then, each ravioli was cut to give it that zig zag edge appearance.

The chefs prepared the pasta for dinner, and it was divine! For desert, a sweet cheese covered in strawberries and basil was served. I had such lovely time.

While the rest of the group went out after for a night of fun, I headed back to the hostel to pack, FaceTime my family, shower and apply for a job. Just because I’m on a fabulous trip, that does not mean the grind stops.

While I’m so sad to leave Rome, I am very excited to head to Assisi. I am a chill person, so Assisi sounds wonderful.