Today I learned how bad the public transportation is in Rome.  We waited about 30 minutes to catch a 40 minute tram ride to Enel.  It was definitely one for the books.

Once we got to Enel, it was incredible.  The office space was very colorful, interactive and innovative.  Everyone who worked there seemed to love their job.

Getting to see the incredible workspace that they film their radio and television stations on were very interesting.  I have always wondered what the back end of recording looked like.

I grabbed a ham panini in lunch from Enel’s cafeteria.  I never knew how much I could miss turkey and ham.

After Enel, our class caught a tram ride back to the Hostel TrustEver.  I started getting a head cold and decided it would be best to go back and recharge my batteries with a nap prior to dinner.

For dinner, we all got dressed up to attend a cooking class thanks to our super amazing broadcast students that are creating commercials for the company.

I did not realize how much work went into creating pasta.  For now on, I will truly appreciate the art of Italian food.

My favorite part of the cooking class was stretching out the ravioli noodles.  We were able to stretch it out around the entire table.

My classmates and I ate our homemade pasta in Marlon Brando’s apartment.  It was an amazing experience with great friends, food, and a breathtaking view from the Island.

After we finished up at the apartment, I headed to Bar G in Trastevere for dancing with my class and tour guides.  Laura and I had so much fun, but we left relatively early to go back and pack for our trip to Assisi tomorrow.

Stay tuned for some beautiful pictures of Assisi!