Today was a rough one.  The jet lag started hitting us all yesterday during our walking tour.

I woke up this morning very sleepy and not feeling well.  I have a headache and scratchy throat.

My International Media Class and I took a beautiful walk to ArtAttack.  This ad agency was so intriguing, and their advertising strategies were fascinating.  The company designed a colorful and creative video to brand themselves and employees.  There was an African twist to it which made it really interested.

I found it odd that there was an American twist to the office.  The words “Think” and “Create” were painted onto the walls above some of the offices.

They provided delicious snacks for an early lunch.  Laura and I grabbed a small sandwich before heading to La Repubblica for our second visit of the day.

La Repubblica was my favorite educational visit of the trip thus far.  We sat in their broadcasting room, and I learned so much about social media and their engagement.

After our visits at La Repubblica and ArtAttack, we headed back to the Hostel on a private bus which was a blessing to not have to take public transit.

For dinner, a group of us decided to head near the Pantheon to try to find the Pittsburgh Bar.  Matteo gave us directions, but we had to ask about five people for assistance.  We found the store that sold tram tickets, and it was downhill from there.

As soon as we stepped out of the tram, it started down pouring.  It was raining so hard that the streets were not draining.  I had water up to my capri pants, and my shoes were destroyed.

Luckily, Taylor had unlimited data and was able to go on google maps to look up directions.  After about 40 minutes of walking in a torrential downpour, we found the Steelers Bar.  It was definitely a memorable experience with some amazing views.  We passed ruins, the Pantheon and many plazas with fountains.

Once we got to the bar, I could ring out the water in my shoes.  There were other Point Park people there, and we ended up having a really great time.

After we had some drinks, Giovanni, the bar owner, walked us over to his friend’s restaurant.  The food and drinks were the best that I’ve ever had.

I ordered fettuccine with meat sauce.  I also tried a fried rice ball which tastes like a cheese stick.


The group then adventured back to the hostel.  We had so much fun just laughing and taking in the sights.

The walk back to the hostel at night was so much more fun than during the day.  The city is even more beautiful while being illuminated by the white lights of the statues and buildings.

I am looking forward to seeing the Trevi Fountain at night, Spanish steps, and dinner at Marlon Brando’s apartment tomorrow.

Stay tuned for more by following me on Instagram: @Courtalicious3