Today I found myself in a much more energetic mood. We woke up to get breakfast and then went to the market down the street and made ourselves a little picnic for lunch.

On our way to a park to eat our picnic we ran into Courtney and Laura who told us about this overlook that was really beautiful so we went there instead. Turns out we went to the exact same overlook later. So we climbed all those stairs twice in one day.

I thought the lecture at the American University of Rome was really interesting. I expected it to be more about studying abroad than about Italian media, though in hindsight, it makes sense that it was about media. I asked about diversity in Italian media and Andrea Bini showed us a horrific documentary that was really eye opening about the way Italian media portrays women.

In the past, I haven’t been that interested in the Colosseum, but once we got there, I was in awe. My most consuming thought was about all the people and animals that were brutally murdered there.

And on that note, I’d like to hop on my soap box about why I think ghosts aren’t real. If ghosts are so real then why is the Colosseum not haunted? The sheer volume of horror alone should hypothetically make that place very haunted.

Anyway, I started to roam in the Forum today and I saw the courtyard that used to be the housing for the Vestal Virgins and it was so beautiful. I wish everyone had gone to see it.

Tonight we had dinner at this small restaurant down a side street and the food was sooooo good. Now I’m going to sleep so hard.