After coming back from the doctor’s, Nicole helped me pack and we were on our way to Assisi.

Assisi is literally a dream. Driving through Italian country side is so different than the American country side. It is so unrealistically gorgeous and breathtaking that it seemed like it was a dream. It’s relatable to what I would think is the first thing you see after you die.

We had a couple hours to ourselves when we first got there to just walk around and see what’s there. We ended up at a little restaurant to get some lunch. I had a pasta and asparagus dish, which was really good, but I still wasn’t feeling good so I wasn’t able to finish it.


We stopped in some little shops in the area and took a lot of fun instagram pictures. The best way I can describe this city is that it’s an amazing place to vamp up your instagram posts.

After roaming around for a couple hours, we met up at the carousel (there were two men in suits riding it with a camera guy filming it, so I’m not really sure what was going on there… it was extremely entertaining…) toured St. Francis Basilica which was so grand and beautiful. The view from the top was absolutely breathtaking. We took a group picture and gave Matteo a Point Park shirt.

From there, we did some wine tasting. I skipped out since I didn’t feel good so I just relied on everyone else’s opinions. The woman and her family leading it were very in your face about their products. She kept telling everyone to enjoy the “perfect sensation and fall in love” with the wine and cheese. It was a little much, but definitely memorable. She has definitely been referenced and quoted quite a lot.

We then had a group dinner and they served us truffle pasta, which was delicious. We ended our day in our hotel in Padua on the patio working on blogs. We all started to get bit by bugs so we went inside and ended up falling asleep.