The Vatican is a never ending journey through the most beautiful paintings, architecture, culture and experience. Though I am not a fan of crowded places, I would stand with heaps of people for many hours just to admire the beauty of St. Peters Basilica. I thought to myself, “how is this even possible?”. Every room was better than the last (which I thought was impossible).

Although there are many historical things to stare at straight in front of you when you tour the museum, I recommend you look up at the ceiling or down at the floor. The murals, paintings and designs are quite the eye-pleaser. Each mural had a story to tell. Also – do NOT take photos in the Sistine Chapel, unless you want many Italian men to scream at you in front of everyone. I was not one of these people, but I was definitely embarrassed/annoyed at the people who did!

If you are a yinzer and finally decide to listen to any of my recommendations during my Italy adventures, go to the steeler bar (not the restaurant) in Rome called “La Botticella”. The nicest man works there and will gladly talk to you about all things Pittsburgh. The best part? He’s not even from there, he just really  likes it.

So overall, the Vatican is stunning and Italians have good taste in American cities.
